Get the best possible wildlife photography results on your African safari using the specialized information in this e-book app to help you improve your safari picture efforts no matter what your current photographic skill level is.

After taking pictures on hundreds of safaris in Southern Africa over the past 45 years myself, I've (more about me) crammed much of my wildlife photography knowledge and experience into the "Better Safari Photography" section of the e-book app for you to make use of on your safari.
The guide will shorten your learning curve substantially and prepare you well to bring home animal photographs from Africa that are more than just fuzzy blobs on the horizon surrounded by vegetation.
"Better Safari Photography" is available to help as many people as possible make the most of the wonderful photographic opportunities only an African safari can provide.
The ebook pinpoints exactly what you need to know and do before, during and after your safari trip to improve your wildlife photography results whether you are a novice, intermediate or advanced photographer. Here's what it contains...
Contents of the e-Book App

The Best Safari Lenses - Compact, DSLR and Mirrorless
Lens Rental and Reselling
The Top Safari Cameras - Compact, DSLR and Mirrorless
Mobile Phone Safari Photography
Two Essential Safari Photography Tips Before Your Safari
Twelve Essential Safari Photography Tips During Your Safari
Beanbags, Window Mounts, Monopods and Clamps
Picture And Video Storage
Power and Battery Requirements
Camera Gear and Flying
Dealing With Dust
Camera Gear Insurance
After - Editing Your Photos
After - Wall Prints
After - Where To Display Your Safari Photos Online

How To Get The Safari Wildlife Photography Guide
The 'Better Safari Photography' guide is included as a section in the 'Top Safari Guide' eBook app which provides comprehensive information and advice about the planning phase and during a safari trip.
Get the 'Better Safari Photography' guide here...
Bruce Whittaker
'Better Safari Photography', 'Top Safari Guide' and 'Guide Your Own Safari' Author
African Safari Journals and Top Safari Guides Founder