This free Safari Journal Diary e-book allows you to record your safari vacation while it's happening so that you can preserve the memories for years to come.
What's Inside The Journal Diary
The guide also contains tips and advice compiled from real safari experiences on the African Safari Journals website and compressed into a highly relevant section to help you avoid possible safari pitfalls and learn from other travellers mistakes.
And there is a wildlife tick list which is very handy to keep track of what you have already seen and the animals you are still likely to see.
You will also get access to another free e-book called "Better Safari Photography" to help you improve your wildlife photography in Africa.
How to Get the e-Books
"Safari Journal Diary" and "Better Safari Photography" are available as electronic books in PDF format which you can download onto your computer to read at your convenience. You can also print out relevant sections to take with you on your trip.
So, to recap, here is what the free e-book provides you:
- The opportunity to record your safari while you are there.
- A comprehensive safari packing list.
- Tips and advice section.
- An all encompassing wildlife tick list.
To get your copy of the free e-books simply fill in the form below and after clicking on the "Get the e-Books" button you will be e-mailed detailed instructions on how to retrieve them both...
P.S. If you are not sure when you are getting back from your safari, just make a rough estimate...
Bruce Whittaker
African Safari Journals and Top Safari Guides Founder
'Better Safari Photography', 'Safari Journal Diary' and 'Guide Your Own Safari' eBooks Author